What is a Mathematical Reasoning Score?

When you solve a puzzle, you get a Mathematical Reasoning Score. This score tells you how much of the puzzle you solved by using mathematical reasoning, instead of just guessing. If you get all the figurers right on your first try, you get a score of 100%. But if you make mistakes and try again, your score goes down.

What does it mean?

It shows how good you are at logically figuring out mathematical problems and finding the right way to solve them.

Is it very exact?

No! Your score depends on the puzzle you just solved. Different puzzles have different difficulty levels, so it can change. The best way to know how good you are is to solve a few puzzles over time.

Can you get better?

Yes! Try to solve more of the puzzle mentally. Be sure you're right before you enter a figure. If you practice solving these puzzles regularly, you'll get better at mathematical reasoning and your score will improve.

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Who can benefit from this site? The school- and college-goers, those in scientific and technical fields, and anyone who enjoys exercising their grey cells :)